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Are you aware that Washington D.C. is a globalist city and is foreign soil it is not a part of the United States of America.

Laws that are created on foreign soil should never be allowed to be imposed on we the people of this failed corporation. Joe Biden is the Chief executive of a Corporation that declared bankruptcy in 2018 and the bankruptcy process was complete earlier this year. The debt is owed by the now dead corporation that was established in 1871 not by we the people and the debt being added by Joe Biden will be held against those who vote it into being. We will soon be entering a New era where the nation is restored to the foundation established in 1776 by the founding fathers.

We the people lost our freedom 150 years ago as we were made debt slaves responsible personally for our share of the national debt under the illegal system of Government where the Rothschild banking cabal seized control in 1871. Democrats every time they were able to seize control increased the debt to increase the strangle hole the Rothschild who control the Democrat party from the city of old London the second of three cities that are foreign soil and not a part of the country in which they are located. The third globalist city is the Vatican. London is the international banking center, Washington D.C. is the warrior capital where our sons and daughter have been used to protect the vision of the Spiritual lefts New World Order.

The Vatican is the Religious capital for the new world order of the new Babylon. Pope Francis who has been a communist since his early days in South America has been antichrist throughout his papacy in fact a Luciferian attempting to lead the Catholic church away from Christian teaching as happened in Nazi Germany during the Nazi reign. These are all facts that the vast majority of Americans do not understand and will deny until the cows come home.

Get ready for a major reeducation program where the lies of the Spiritual left (Mathew 25:31-46) are replaced with truth. Donald Trump a single warrior who entered the arena alone facing down leftism and leading America back to the path that God had ordained for this nation. No matter how hard the Democrats tried to bury the God given Constitution and Bill of Rights those documents founded on God's divine truth have withstood 160 years of attack by those who deny truth and create lies to deceive we the people following the agenda of Luciferian rule by Satan and his minions kill steal destroy. There have been three Satanic cults created over the past three centuries 300 years beginning with the Free Masons in 1717 the Illuminate which began the Are you aware that Washington D.C. is a globalist city and is foreign soil it is not a part of the United States of America.

Laws that are created on foreign soil should never be allowed to be imposed on we the people of this failed corporation. Joe Biden is the Chief executive of a Corporation that declared bankruptcy in 2018 and the bankruptcy process was complete earlier this year. The debt is owed by the now dead corporation that was established in 1871 not by we the people and the debt being added by Joe Biden will be held against those who vote it into being. We will soon be entering a New era where the nation is restored to the foundation established in 1776 by the founding fathers.

We the people lost our freedom 150 years ago as we were made debt slaves responsible personally for our share of the national debt under the illegal system of Government where the Rothschild banking cabal seized control in 1871. Democrats every time they were able to seize control increased the debt to increase the strangle hole the Rothschild who control the Democrat party from the city of old London the second of three cities that are foreign soil and not a part of the country in which they are located. The third globalist city is the Vatican. London is the international banking center, Washington D.C. is the warrior capital where our sons and daughter have been used to protect the vision of the Spiritual lefts New World Order.

The Vatican is the Religious capital for the new world order of the new Babylon. Pope Francis who has been a communist since his early days in South America has been antichrist throughout his papacy in fact a Luciferian attempting to lead the Catholic church away from Christian teaching as happened in Nazi Germany during the Nazi reign. These are all facts that the vast majority of Americans do not understand and will deny until the cows come home.

Get ready for a major reeducation program where the lies of the Spiritual left (Mathew 25:31-46) are replaced with truth. Donald Trump a single warrior who entered the arena alone facing down leftism and leading America back to the path that God had ordained for this nation. No matter how hard the Democrats tried to bury the God given Constitution and Bill of Rights those documents founded on God's divine truth have withstood 160 years of attack by those who deny truth and create lies to deceive we the people following the agenda of Luciferian rule by Satan and his minions kill steal destroy. There have been three Satanic cults created over the past three centuries 300 years beginning with the Free Masons in 1717 the Illuminate which began the planning stages by the Rothschild's in 1761 and then placed under the control of a Jewish man who became a Roman Catholic priest and then the director of the Rothschild funded illuminate now operating in Washington D.C. through the Council on Foreign Relations .

When cult member Joe Biden was filmed confessing about how he manipulated the Ukrainian Government into firing the prosecutor looking into Hunters criminal dealings with Berizma. The third cult controls the Fabian Society founded in 1868 banking the world over and is partnered with every Wall street firm.

There is so much more that you will be anxious to know and after 20 years of research i am anxious to teach how the C.I.A. has been an enemy of we the people since being established under Democrat Harry Truman in 1947. The United Nations established in 1945 by F.D.R. with a land grant from the Rockefeller family on which the building sit is behind some of the greatest lies of our time beginning with Climate Change that began in 1968 with the claim of global cooling which was followed by Global warming and then Climate change right up to the current claims about the COVID-19 or Fauci virus if you want to name it after the one who developed it.

Bill Gates a University drop out who stole his friends invention and used it to take control of the Eugenics movement funding 4 million abortions in third world countries each year is now the science officer for the U.N. and behind the mRNA untested, unverified, fake vaccine that would never pass the medical qualifications for a legal vaccine. being used under an emergency use declaration only.

DR. Anthony Fauci the fraud is a board member of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and is responsible not only for the
millions of deaths attributed to his creation the Taiwanese Doctors have revealed include SARS Corona, H.I.V. and two bacterium not bats. and the millions of deaths and side effects that have destroyed lives the world over.

God bless you all.

Pastor-phil Biggs

in 1968